Hand Build Solutions

Designed to accommodate both pressure and movement with high temperature and fire resistant materials.

Our Sisiaraâ„¢ Mat is a composite material of coated woven fibre, bonded with rubber, to form a seat suspension system for seat cushions and seat backs.
Our resilient webbing is a flat rubber spring made from a combination of rubber and fabric.

We manufactures and supply high pressure sealing and clamping systems to Shale Shaker manufacturers worldwide.

Our inflatable lumbar supports are not limited to any shape or size.

From Europe to Australia, our polymer based fabrications can be found on mining and mineral processing equipment worldwide.

The Rhys Davies Exsanguinator is an air inflated tubular product that is used to aid the exclusion of blood from a limb before operation.

Our pool cleaner is a well proven product that we believe is still unique for this market.